so tired.
these few days didnt take much pictures
hahas kinda slack.
maybe later going out.
to town with zul.
see how is the GSS.
hopefully it will be cheap^^
so i also can buy haha!
nowadays always go ecp.
east coast park.
slack lols~
either with benben or alone.
cos dandan is more timid.
she cant move without benben around.
unlike benben he can be independent lols.
so normally dandan will be left at home with my mum :P
did you ask why i didnt bring 2 out?
hmm troublesome.
when they are together. they will be SUPER HYPER ACTIVE.
so get what i mean? :D
anyone want go swimming with me at the beach?
hahaha! abit dirty la but kinda fun.
dont worry wont drown with me around :P

very bitter. but i like it.
its called luo han guo.
i dont know how you call it in english.
its good for throat? hahas.
i dont know.
just drink it.
oya and rebecca show me this video.
it's one of the wondergirls, so hee.
some sad sad mv.
about a vampire girl and a human boy's love story.
the girl and the boy loved each other.
because the girl was a vampire.
she hate that she was changing.
The boy left to look for something that
could make the girl become a human.
but the boy died through an accident.
when i watch it.
i felt it. got touched.
from young. i watch many this type of stories.
i really envy this type of relationships.
the girl is from a different world as you.
ivan : " the boy really lousy so easy die
if is me. i will surely survive!
and wont let my girl suffer alone haha. "
Rebecca : " u nonsense lah
i guess they are jus fated not to be tgt
thts why the guy wud hav the intention to search help for the girl
dhen in the end die
if he did not go, he might not die. "
ivan : " if is me i wont be searching for anything.
i will stay with her "
Rebecca : " haha
u chnge ur decision huh.
now u stay with her
ivan : " hahas!
even if i go find i wont die "
Rebecca : " hahaha
ya ya "
ivan : " really! "
Rebecca : " yupp
i knw
i nvr say i dun believe u mah
haha "
ivan : " i also want something like this happen in my life "
Rebecca : " siao! why? "
ivan : " even though it will be tough.
but it will be more..
i dont know how to say.. but..
hmm.. i wouldn't mind..
then can go through think and thin tgt~
when i watch those kinda vampires or anicent stories
i will envy those kinda relationships
hahas maybe in the other words more fun
more exciting or lets say climax then just being normal. "
and is this
korean version of twilight?
actually i haven't got the chance to watch twilight yet.
hahas but Xueyin told me a place can watch.
its her favourite lol.
so i decided to share with you people like me.
twilight movie link.
copy and paste it.
it's still working i guess.
if not. too bad.
go find yourself!
my com nowadays really lag.
hate it.
some stupid pictures. below.

at some point in lives. i don't know about others
but i feel that everyone at some point in their life will once
in awhile felt empty lonely and friendless right?
desperate to let someone know there is still me.
i still exist. hmm.
i guess im those kinda of easily being forgotten.
haha. i dont know why but i dont feel even slightly happy nowadays.
unlike the past.
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