how is life?
mine? tiring.
boring as usual.
nowadays i did exercise, workout.
going to gym and at home carrying weights.
hoping to shape up my self.
and most importantly gain weight.
but now. muscle ache.
but still going to gym tomorrow with zul and maybe hakim.
and back to playing guitars trying to get back
my past passions. its good playing music can make you relax.
but when learning. memorizing it, makes you headache.
school stuffs. projects. revisions.
so many haha. i don't know how to do leh.
my sociology essay. presentations
my mct projects, have to use java program keypad and lcd.
my progauto had to design a system.
then maths and pod, new topics keep swimming in.
cant really catch everything.
and im still here slacking.

sis took pic without me knowing. until i upload it.
my house is seriously messy.
and nowadays cant really get along with my sister anymore.
kept arguing about some useless stuff.
its not like before anymore.
i don't know.. but she is really very irritating.
kept criticizing and saying some unrelated stuff.
maybe because she stayed at home too long.
needed some one to scold. =.=
and my ah ma fell ill.
must go visit her one day le.
maybe Saturday ba.
and here are some pretty interesting pictures.




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